As I placed seven different kinds of cheese in my shopping cart at Costco last Saturday, I found myself wondering if that sort of lactose-loving behavior was normal. And If you only knew how many other cheeses I wanted to buy and didn't! Only seven varieties were purchased because I realized at that point that about 20% of my grocery budget was going towards cheese, and I needed to exercise some restraint.

Now honestly, is that the sort of thing the great prayer warriors of this world take before the throne of God? I NEED to know! Is there some great value in talking to God about my cheese issues? I mean, I know that He loves me and all, but is this truly a matter for prayer? Not that I don't talk to Him all the time about even more trivial things, but I do it in a conversational "here's what's going on in my life" sort of a way, not in a "folded hands, eyes closed" sort of way.
Speaking of prayer, I started the day off with a time of prayer, and I think I made some progress. Progress meaning I haven't been having a dedicated time of prayer, but today I did. So if "just doing it" is progress, then I made some. I did not pray about cheese. What I did was I used the Lord's Prayer as a frame work, and sort of filled it in with some specifics. For example, under the "Your kingdom come" heading, I prayed about God's kingdom being enlarged in France. I prayed for some pastors and missionaries who are already there, working towards that goal.
There were no great epiphanies. I didn't feel any different. I don't mean to sound ungrateful or irreverent, it just wasn't a life-changing moment. Or maybe it was. Maybe it was one of those "every great journey begins with a single step" moments. Really, it felt like a very small step. Still. It was something. God could use it. And I'm willing to do it again tomorrow. I'll let you know if cheese comes up.
I am tracking with you on the cheese issue. For me, it's a food group unto itself. Have you heard of Saunder's? It's a cheese shop here in town. Consider yourself enlightened or warned.