Actually, for the past couple of years I have been doing much of the job for which I will now be paid--and it is a job that thrills me to the bone. I get to provide team-building and leadership development to women's Bible studies, oversight for a Christmas Outreach Event, and coordinate the women's retreat. I will continue to work alongside and to report to my dear friend and mentor, the Women's Pastor at our church. This job is so awesome, I won't even miss the margaritas! Not much, anyways.
My new job is for 19 hours a week, and I will keep one grant-writing contract as well. My church hired me knowing full well that our sights are set on France. I guess they didn't mind taking me on since they knew they wouldn't be stuck with me forever! Still, we are in Spokane until we go, and even though God is calling us away, He isn't about to have us waste away while we await our departure. We have one foot on the dock and one foot on the boat, and we must maintain that careful balance until God clearly tells us to launch.
Oh, and there's one more thing. I may have the option to become licensed as a pastor. Pastor Jenn. Hmmmm. What do you think about that?!?! Comments welcome!
How exciting! Aunt Pastor Jenn would be way cool. :) Sounds like an exciting new job and I can't wait to hear all about it.