I have been pondering this quote by Beth Moore for about four days. It truly is the deepest desire of my heart to show up at the gates of Heaven completely spent. I know that nothing I do can add to the grace I've been given through the blood of Jesus. Its just that the grace I've been given is so amazing that I am compelled to respond to it with everything I've got.
And then my old sin nature rears its ugly head. I choose convenience over caring, money over mercy, worry over worship, and self over Savior. I am easily convinced that self-preservation is a reasonable goal in my day to day life.
But day to day becomes week to week, and week to week becomes month to month, and finally, year by year I seek my own best, deceived by my selfishness to believe survival is the goal of life. A goal that no human being has ever been able to attain since, as my father used to say, "Life is a death sentence."
And so while I tarry on earth, outwardly wasting away, I want to choose to spend my life for Jesus. Ever, only, all for Him. I will daily seek to slay the dragon of self, for there is no greater prize to strive for than this: To hear my Savior say, "Well done!"
For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. Mark 8:35