This photo, taken by my father, is a perfect depiction of how we felt after the long trip home: bleary, dazed, and ready for a shower! Still, David and Chandler had smiles for the camera, reflecting our joy and satisfaction. It was a good trip.

And so where do we go from here? Our heart's desire--and I use "heart" in the singular because there is perfect unity in our family about this--is to be living in France as soon as possible. We believe this is God's desire as well, and so we look forward to seeing how He is going to make that happen. Over the rest of this month, I will be sharing stories and photos from our trip. I hope that YOU will be encouraged as we tell you what we learned about God's work in France. I also hope to hear how God has been working where you are, because WE are so deeply encouraged by each of you.
You are home! I look forward to sitting down with you and hearing everything the Lord has shown you and taught you. I have missed not being able to pick up the phone and call but I know God has such great plans for you, David and the boys. Your love and faith for Jesus has so inspired me. Thank you for being a treasured friend. I love you, Val