David Graham Williamson--my firstborn son and the on-going answer to the longest prayer I ever prayed--turns 13 today. I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. As the youngest of five daughters, I really did not feel equipped for the job of raising boys. To tell you the truth, I still don't. But it is a job that I love more than I ever imagined I would, and every day it only gets better. I am so thankful for the privilege of being Graham's mom. He is growing in every way, from glory to glory. Those of you who have known me for 13 years or more bear witness to the fact that parenting Graham has not been an easy endeavor. His intelligence, strength, and depth have presented discipline challenges on a grand scale. Those same traits, however, make Graham the responsible, helpful, and insightful young man that he is today. He is made of steel, and as he allows God to shape him he is becoming an unstoppable force for the Kingdom. Happy Birthday!
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