If I could make things happen with a snap of my fingers, then in the next 5 minutes we would be finished with our fundraising, and on our way to France. I would also have sculpted arm muscles. Nevertheless, I do not have the finger snapping magic I desire, and so for funding and fitness, I must wait.
God, though exceedingly patient, does have the ability to make big things happen in the blink of an eye. In fact, He could have had our fundraising completed the day He called us to France. He chose to allow it to be a process. A time-consuming, resolve-testing, faith-building, nail-biting, character-shaping process. And so we wait....

And I am thankful. Still not patient, but definitely thankful that in spite of impatience I am able to trust that this process is part of His plan to prepare me for all that lies ahead. Well, today I am thankful. Yesterday I was whiny--which is why I decided not to write a blog post. (You're welcome.)
You're doing patience better than you think. :)