We celebrated Father's Day with a tour of Spangle on David's bike. Yeah. I know. We're pretty cool. The boys have spent the day calling David "Your Majesty" and "Oh Great Father of Ours," showering him with such selfless gifts as offering to play Star Wars Battlefront II with him and suggesting how much he might enjoy going out to a movie...with them of course. But all in all, I would have to say it has been a pretty relaxing and fun filled weekend.
Adding to the joy of our Sunday motorcycle tour was the new knowledge of that fact that when we move to France (which, again, won't be until we have raised 100% of our support) we will take much of our home furnishings with us. It turns out that shipping our belongings is more economical than having to replace them once we are there. When we heard the size of the shipping container that we will have, we realized that we will be able to fit pretty much everything we own, including the motorcycle. I guess that means, contrary to popular belief, you CAN take it with you!
Adding to the joy of our Sunday motorcycle tour was the new knowledge of that fact that when we move to France (which, again, won't be until we have raised 100% of our support) we will take much of our home furnishings with us. It turns out that shipping our belongings is more economical than having to replace them once we are there. When we heard the size of the shipping container that we will have, we realized that we will be able to fit pretty much everything we own, including the motorcycle. I guess that means, contrary to popular belief, you CAN take it with you!
By the way David, on or off your motorcycle, you still make my heart go Vroom! Vroom! I'm so glad that you are the father of my children!
Back at you, my love. You make my heart go Vroom! Vroom! Vroooooooooooooooooom. :-)