So when will we go? Well, we do not have an official timeline, but we have a goal. A hope. A heart's desire. Will you join us in praying for the following?
- that David and I will continue to be faithful in sharing the vision with people--this is our part of the fundraising equation.
- that God will continue to speak clearly to those whom He has called to partner with us through prayer and financial support.
- that we would have 95% of our support pledged by the end of May so that we can attend Cultural Integration Training School (in North Carolina) this summer.
- that we would have 100% of our support pledged by July so that we can move to France for the start of the next school year.
- that we would know God's timing for putting our house on the market--and that He would bring buyers who will be as blessed by this house as we have been.
These are MIRACLE sized prayer requests. Our fundraising has been moving along amazingly well--we are at 56% after only 6 months. On average, it takes missionaries 18-24 months to raise their support in a healthy economy--and we are hoping to be at 100% in 12 months in a struggling economy. Only God can make it so. But we feel called to work towards this timeline, believing that if this is His plan, He will make it happen.
God is so good. We are walking that fine line between moving forward in faith and waiting patiently on the Lord. We know that we know that we know that His plan is perfect. We don't want to change His plan--we want to rest in it. But for now, our faith is being challenged to trust that He may want to get us to France by September 2009. We believe that He is able to do this. Therefore, this will be our hope. This is how we will pray. Will you hope and pray with us?
When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, "Do you believe that I am able to do this?"
"Yes, Lord," they replied.
Then he touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith will it be done to you"
Matthew 9:28-29
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