Saturday, October 1, 2011


I hung laundry out to dry.

Made appetizers for a wedding reception.

Jack did yoga.

I unpacked boxes and organized kitchen cupboards.

David hung guitars on the wall.

And my parents arrived!

It all sounds so simple. But there was nothing simple about it. 

September was a month that challenged us in every domain: We had intense spiritual battles; physical ailments, emotional breakdowns, and mental overloads. I finally reached the end of myself, and in that place--haggard, broken, and desperate--I found that God is not just sufficient, He is more than enough. I AM nothing (hallelujia!), and HE is everything. He is all that I need and all that I have and all that I want. 


  1. OH I love Jack and I am so sorry that the month was long but celebrate that you also got through your month with the grace of our Lord and Savior, The Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the Holy Spirit. He is so merciful with a love that is never ending. I will keep you in my prayers. If there is something specific you need prayer for please contact me and I will be faithful to lift you up. We must not do these things alone. Much love to you!

  2. Wow! What a month! I will be praying for a constant outpouring of the Holy Spirit to build and encourage you. Transition is tough, praying for some relaxing and nesting time!

  3. Yeah! New post! Good to have the update. I'll be praying for strength for ya'll to take on anything Satan throws at you!

    Btw - say hello to the grandparents for us! Don't have too much fun with them now. :)
